AG The official website of the Jiuyoukai founded
Guangdong Zhiyuan Robotics Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Biyouwei Catering Co., Ltd., Bijiashunchu Food Technology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. founded
FOODOM Robotics Hot-pot & Fast-food restaurants began trial operations
Guangdong Youbisheng Technology Co., Ltd. Founded
FOODOM Robotics Clay-pot Restaurant began trial operation
FOODOM Robotics Fast-food restaurant 2.0 opened for business
FOODOM Robotics Chinese Restaurant opened for business
Qianxi Robotics Assembly Factory established, trial mass production of 1,000 equipment for robotics clay-pot container started
FOODOM Tianjiangmeishi Food Kingdom Robotics Restaurant Complex opened, covering Chinese food, hot-pot and fast food business forms
The first Youfenyoumian Noodle Man Restaurant, Baoshishang Robotics Clay-pot Restaurant, AiXiaoGuo Robotics Hot-pot Restaurant opened for business
New Sub-brand, Guodaheng, for a New Business Form.
Centralized Kitchen in Machong Town, Dongguan.